Virtual Consultations Now Available!
Including webinars, curriculum & assessment reviews, and Q&A sessions.

An experienced educator and noted author, Jay McTighe provides consulting services to schools, districts, regional service agencies and state departments of education. Jay’s professional efforts are devoted to six inter-related educational goals:
• Improving the quality of student thinking
• Mapping the curriculum around “big ideas” and essential questions
• Developing the 21st Century Skills of critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration
• Creating performance assessments for measuring what matters most
• Engaging students in meaningful learning around authentic tasks
• Teaching for understanding and transfer
A popular and effective speaker, Jay McTighe is available for a variety of presentation venues, from Keynote addresses to multi-day workshops. For further information, contact him via e-mail or phone, (410) 531-1610.
Latest Collection of UbD Resources
Curriculum Development Software based on the UbD® Framework

Unit Planning Software based on the Understanding by Design® Framework
UbD® Online Learning Modules