Kim Marshall worked as a teacher, central office curriculum director, and principal in the Boston Public Schools for 32 years. Since 2002, he has advised and coached school principals through New Leaders for New Schools, taught courses on instructional leadership, conducted numerous workshops on rethinking teacher supervision and evaluation, and published the Marshall Memo, a weekly newsletter that summarizes ideas and research on K-12 education from 64 publications. Kim also taught sex education for more than two decades and has created a 12-lesson curriculum for middle schools that is being implemented in selected schools. Kim has written extensively on effective teaching and school leadership, most often for Phi Delta Kappanand Education Week. His latest book is “Rethinking Teacher Supervision and Evaluation” (Jossey-Bass, 2nd Ed., 2013). Kim earned his B.A. from Harvard College and Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by Harvard in 1990. Website:

Areas of expertise

  • Understanding by Design® for school leaders and teachers
  • Supervision and evaluation of teachers using short, frequent, unannounced classroom visits followed by face-to-face coaching, culminating in end-of-year rubric scoring (Kim is the author of a widely used teacher-evaluation rubric)
  • Supervision and evaluation of school leaders (Kim is the author of a widely used principal-evaluation rubric)
  • School leader induction and mentoring
  • Use of on-the-spot and interim assessments of student learning

Available for consulting work in:

  • North America
  • Europe
  • Singapore
  • Australia and New Zealand