Jay now offers online webinars on a variety of current topics. These cost-effective virtual workshops typically run from 90-minutes to 3 hours and can be customized to address particular needs. Here are titles and brief descriptions. For more information, contact jay@mctighe-associates.com

Click on each webinar title for a description.

Virtual Webinars

Understanding by Design (UBD) is an internationally recognized framework for curriculum design, used by teachers, schools, districts, states/provinces and entire nations!  In this introductory webinar, Jay will present an overview of the UbD framework and address the following questions:

  • What are the goals of a modern education?
  • Why should we design curriculum “backward”?
  • How do we unpack standards to identify the ‘big ideas’ that we want students to most understand?
  • What is understanding and how does it differ from “knowing?”
  • How will we assess to know that students truly understand and can apply their knowledge?
  • How should we teach to actively students in making meaning rather than simply “covering” content?
  • How can I learn more about UbD?

Associated Book:

Associated Article:

In-Person Workshops

The following list provides titles for workshops offered by Jay McTighe. Workshops can be customized to address particular outcomes, specific audiences and varied contexts.

Contact Jay to discuss options. Click on each workshop title for a description.

Time Frame: 2-3days

How can you design learning experiences that make it much more likely that students will understand content and be able to apply it in meaningful ways?  Since 1998, thousands of educators around the world have used the Understanding by Design® (UbD) Framework to answer that question and create more rigorous and engaging curricula. In this design workshop, participants will explore the key ideas of UbD and apply practical and proven design tools and templates for unit design.

Learning Outcomes   Participants will learn to:

  • apply a 3-stage “backward design” model and the new UbD 2.0 Template for curriculum development;
  • identify long-term Transfer Goals from which to plan backward;
  • learn processes for “unpacking” Standards to establish curriculum priorities and determine content worthy of deep understanding;
  • use Essential Questions to frame curriculum to focus on “big ideas”;
  • examine a continuum of assessment methods to use in assessing the degree of student understanding;
  • explore six “facets” of understanding and their implication for curriculum, assessment, and teaching;
  • apply selected design tools to create authentic performances tasks based on the six “facets”
  • apply the A.M.T. framework to design engaging and effective instruction;
  • access an excellent collection of on-line UbD resources to support unit design;
  • participate in a structured review process for giving and receiving feedback based on UbD Design Standards

Target Audience:

This workshop is designed for educators at all levels interested in enhancing their design of curriculum, assessment, and instruction to develop and deepen student understanding.

Learning Activities:

The workshop will feature a balance of presentations, small group activities and discussions, design time in role-alike groups, review of web-based resources, and a sharing/feedback protocol.

Note: Since this workshop involves curriculum design, participants should bring materials (e.g., Standards, textbooks, resource materials, assessments, scoring rubrics, etc.) to support their curriculum design work.

Time Frame: 2-3days

How can you design learning experiences that make it much more likely that students will understand content and be able to apply it in meaningful ways?  Since 1998, thousands of educators around the world have used the Understanding by Design® (UbD) Framework to answer that question and create more rigorous and engaging curricula. In this design workshop, participants will explore the key ideas of UbD and apply practical and proven design tools and templates for unit design.

Learning Outcomes   Participants will learn to:

  • apply a 3-stage “backward design” model and the new UbD 2.0 Template for curriculum development;
  • identify long-term Transfer Goals from which to plan backward;
  • learn processes for “unpacking” Standards to establish curriculum priorities and determine content worthy of deep understanding;
  • use Essential Questions to frame curriculum to focus on “big ideas”;
  • examine a continuum of assessment methods to use in assessing the degree of student understanding;
  • explore six “facets” of understanding and their implication for curriculum, assessment, and teaching;
  • apply selected design tools to create authentic performances tasks based on the six “facets”
  • apply the A.M.T. framework to design engaging and effective instruction;
  • access an excellent collection of on-line UbD resources to support unit design;
  • participate in a structured review process for giving and receiving feedback based on UbD Design Standards

Target Audience:

This workshop is designed for educators at all levels interested in enhancing their design of curriculum, assessment, and instruction to develop and deepen student understanding.

Learning Activities:

The workshop will feature a balance of presentations, small group activities and discussions, design time in role-alike groups, review of web-based resources, and a sharing/feedback protocol.

Note: Since this workshop involves curriculum design, participants should bring materials (e.g., Standards, textbooks, resource materials, assessments, scoring rubrics, etc.) to support their curriculum design work.